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Re: I'm so confused.....
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billding68 wrote:
dhajjieboy wrote:
billding68 wrote:
dhajjieboy wrote:
billding68 wrote:
Julian Cope said....
The return of incredibly patriarchal religions. I don’t mean that about Islam because everyone knows I’m totally anti-Islam.
He is also anti Christianity to be fair but all you protectors of the faith of Islam you do realize that you are at a site that is dedicated to a man who is a Against the religion of Islam...Right? So by supporting Mr. Cope you are helping support his anti Islam agenda(haha) so for that I thank you. Perhaps some of you did not realize this again Julian said...
The return of incredibly patriarchal religions. I don’t mean that about Islam because everyone knows I’m totally anti-Islam.

Declaring to be against something vs. having an "agenda" against said stance are 2 completely different things. I would not at this point expect a openly nihilistic asshole such as yourself to understand that concept though.
Seriously though, you really have the utter termerity to speak another's mind for them on an issue like this...?
What an utter troglodyte you have revealed yourself to be.


Talk of Irony
Assholes like you spouting your shit on a website by an anti Islamic thinking youre so clever and not realizing the founder of the website youre on is against the very thing your trying to protect.(idiot) I'm hoping the terror hits your own home soon we will see how you will change your tune you fucking piece of garbage. BTW one of the dead is from my own hometown here in California. So the chances of these fuckers hitting near you is just as likely I only hope its someone you hold dear to your heart or perhaps it will happen to you that would be just a good. Go fuck your self you mother fucking pussy ass cocksucker.

This is worth saving for posterity.

Poor doucheboy acting the victim yet again! This is not the first time you've taken this route shake the hornets nest then cry foul when you get stung. FUCK YOU TROLL!

Not just save it put it on your tombstone dick!

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Posted by billding68
16th November 2015ce

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Re: I'm so confused..... (billding68)

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Re: I'm so confused..... (dhajjieboy)

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