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Re: I'm so confused.....
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thispoison wrote:
On a night like this I'd happily see every Mosque in Europe bulldozed. Maybe a more measured response later.

Overall, though, I am with Julian in his hatred of Islam. Not a view I have come to without some soul-searching. Sorry if that offends any well-meaning but impotent liberals in these parts.

Not that I side with our glorious political leaders and their actions in the Middle East which have made their own unique and malign contribution to current events. But I was over in Paris in 1995, and Islamic terrorists were killing people there even then. Well before 9/11 and the subsequent invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. Plus ça change.

Jihadi John died far too painlessly. Hilariously, I have heard that Jeremy Corbyn would have preferred his arrest and trial. Words fail me on that view...

BTW, the ones to feel sorry for are the poor bastards who just went out on a Friday night to enjoy themselves and didn't make it home. And their families and friends.

So, what do you suggest we do? Jihad?

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Posted by carol27
14th November 2015ce

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Re: I'm so confused..... (thispoison)

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