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Re: Jeremy Corbyn
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sanshee wrote:
Captain Starlet wrote:

Well Plaid are the main opposition party in Wales and have been around a bit longer than the SNP, but I don't expect you to know that, or what they stand for as you don't live here, which was the point I was trying to get across.

Yes, but my point is the SNP have had a majority in Scotland since 2007 and the Scottish Parliament has a far bigger remit than the Welsh assembly.
That's a fairly well known fact. The second bit anyway.
Any domestic policies of theirs may not be so well known (a few here will) but since they are now the 3rd largest party in Westminster there will be more interest, thankfully.
Everything I post here regards their policies is true, that I think most of it is atrocious is a matter of my opinion.
I still wonder what benefit any of it (devolution) has done for either Scotland or Wales mind.
If there are benefits in Wales you will know, up here, it's all just been more layers for the sake of it.

Thankfully there is more interest in the SNP (it seems a lot of the electorate south of the border like them as well) and Scottish Greens who see a bigger picture by being separate. They have more influence on the governing party in Scotland which is very clear to see whereas the Greens (in England and Wales), unfortunately, don't get listened to by any of the Unionist parties.

Certainly in the North East of Scotland we appreciate what the present Scottish Govt have done for us.

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Posted by drewbhoy
9th September 2015ce

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Re: Jeremy Corbyn (sanshee)

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