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Bloody Mandelson
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Somehow I've sensed it.....just wondered what the loathesome Mandelson was up to, googled 'Mandelson Corbyn' - do likewise - and found that the papers later today will be full of reports that Mandelson tried to persuade the other candidates to withdraw before the ballot papers went out, reckoning that this would cause the vote to be suspended, but officials said that withdrawal would cause Corbyn to win by default. I read the online Indy's version, can't bear to mention the other rags names. Reading the most recent posts here, yes, I think some MPs will go, and I do worry that the opposition front bench will have the keenest and clued up intellects. I do not know the calibre of outside-Parliament advisors that would be available to a Corbyn led party. Apparently Cameron's planning to blaze away with policy questions come September. Nonetheless I will be elated if Corbyn wins. He is right to want a reform of the party from the grassroots up, and I don't doubt this will result in a generational seachange and influx, something that the other parties will not be able to match. The reformed party will come good when - not if - the next financial crash happens, which I do not think is too far off, or maybe even before, when interest rates go up, which they must, and there is a large amount of mortgage default and resultant instability. The call to cancel the Trident billions will be deafening. But, oh, what decimation of things we hold dear will have happened before..

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Posted by spencer
17th August 2015ce

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Jeremy Corbyn (Rhiannon)

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Re: Bloody Mandelson (grufty jim)
Re: Bloody Mandelson (thesweetcheat)

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