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Re: Jeremy Corbyn
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riverman wrote:
Alan Johnson the latest given a platform in the Guardian to have a pop! All he can do apart from that is highlight past Labour successes e.g. child poverty etc under Blair. All very well but the recent Labour message has been that they overspent and they wouldn't be going back to those carefree days. He's supporting Cooper but there's not actually any current policies as far as I can see (other than slagging Corbyn naturally).[...]eremy-corbyn-says-alan-johnson

Just been reading that. The theme that is definitely is emerging is that the other three candidates Wanna Be Elected - the politics comes a distant second to that ambition and principles can be sacrificed or modified accordingly. Whereas Corbyn genuinely believes that there is another way and has a convincing, thought out narrative to support that view.

Personally I'd much rather Labour elected Corbyn, even if it might "cost" them the next GE. An effective Opposition really challenging a Tory government with what will still amount to a paper thin majority (even if they pass EVEL and make Tory-favouring boundary changes) would be far preferable to a Tory-lite Labour govt or an Opposition led by Blairites who basically agree with the Tories.

Burnham for instance - "I'm so opposed to this Tory bill that I'm going to abstain".

Whatever happens, I think IanB is right that there will be positives coming from Corbyn's involvement for those who believe in the principles that Labour was founded on, even if it splits the party.

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Posted by thesweetcheat
4th August 2015ce

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Re: Jeremy Corbyn (riverman)

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Brian Eno supports Jeremy Corbyn (thesweetcheat)

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