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Re: Jeremy Corbyn
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IanB wrote:
riverman wrote:
Mark Steel on the Labour leadership election:[...]want-to-vote-for-10411466.html

I have been wondering something that you may be able to answer.

If Americans have West, Graeber, Zinn, Stiglitz, Nader, Chomsky etc then who do the British have of the same vintage and quality of insight in the same realm?

Steve Keen is Australian so that rules him out. Is it really just a troika of "comedians" and the New Statesman brigade of Jones, Lewis, Moore and Penny et al?

Paul Mason. He is on my radar. Am I missing anyone who speaks for us from here rather than from there? I keep expecting a heavyweight to weigh in for Corbyn and then I wonder who those heavy weights might be.

I came across the Mark Steel article through Craig Murray. His blog is worth following because of his diplomatic past - gives a different perspective. His book Murder in Samarkand is essential reading for detail into the murkier side of government but I don't think he's written a book in the vein of other writers you mention.

George Monbiot is an obvious one - often with an environmental angle but he's a good investigative journalist. First book of his I read was the PFI one - Captive State I think it's called.

The geographer Danny Dorling. He even featured on the Quietus

Tariq Ali - though I've not yet read him, but your most has reminded me to check him out.

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Posted by riverman
31st July 2015ce

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Re: Jeremy Corbyn (IanB)

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