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Re: Last Night's Result
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IanB wrote:
JC (no not that one) missed out on the Hampstead and Kilburn nomination by one vote last night after comfortably winning the first two rounds. Yvette Cooper picked up enough transfered votes from Burnham and Kendall to pip him in the final count.

That's a good indicator as to where we stand overall.

Please pay your £3 to sign up as a registered supporter. Your vote could be the one that reclaims the party for the left from the Progress sell outs.

Done it. After having voted tactically - to no avail - in the last two elections, the outside chance of Corbyn becoming PM is the one possibility that might tempt me to vote Labour again.

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Posted by Popel Vooje
31st July 2015ce

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Last Night's Result (IanB)

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