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Re: axe carvings
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Evergreen Dazed wrote:
If we knew the results of the 19th century excavations, the details of any plans/illustrations before or at that date then we might be able to talk with more certainty. As I said, i'm not doing any 'research' but as you are it would be great if you could supply some solid info to show on what basis you are refuting the claims in the paragraph of Barnatt/Herring I copied in.

I would have thought that was obvious! They could see today what I could see as nothing has changed since, so if you doubt me you should be doubting them as well.

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Posted by Sanctuary
8th September 2014ce

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Re: axe carvings (Evergreen Dazed)

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Re: axe carvings (Evergreen Dazed)

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