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Carwynnen Quoit
Re: reerected quoit
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Andy Norfolk wrote:
The person who really made this happen was Pip Richards, the Director of the Sustainable Trust. In this case "director" is code for the person who does most of the work.

Getting funding was a bit of a nightmare. We though we had it all in place and then austerity measures pinched most of it from under our noses. The key is perseverance. We got assorted grants from assorted places and raised money ourselves where we could.

If you want to do this sort of thing then don't be put off, but do expect a lot of hard work.

A darn good achievement whichever way you look at it. Well done and congratulations to all of you.

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Posted by Sanctuary
24th June 2014ce

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Re: reerected quoit (Andy Norfolk)

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