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Carwynnen Quoit
Re: reerected quoit
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I was there - I'm chairman of the Sustainable Trust who own it and re-erected it. It's been a wonderful project because of al the community involvement and wonderful volunteers who have helped. It's been several years of hard slog getting the permissions, funding etc. but we finally have a complete quoit. The atmosphere on the day was brilliant, everyone was so keen and happy to see it go back up. I was struck by how once we got the safety fencing down everyone wanted to rush up and touch the quoit. After that we had some great singing and the performane of a ballad we'd had written about the quoit. A magic day. The quoit is open to everyone now.

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Posted by Andy Norfolk
23rd June 2014ce

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reerected quoit (Rhiannon)

3 replies:

Re: reerected quoit (GLADMAN)
Re: reerected quoit (The Heritage Trust)
Re: reerected quoit (CARL)

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