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Re: wandlebury ringhill wallbury
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the greenish man wrote:
bronze age artifacts have been found at .wandlebury.i dont think ring hill or wallbury have been dug at all... it just seems that they are all the same size and shape..yes loads of bronze age barrows in the area of wandlebury ..a lot around the ikneald way..also along the old A 11 between saffron walden and bishopsortford there are large stones often called mounting blocks for horse riding..but i have herd that these stones were once part of a causeway who knows ? :)

Guess the problem is all three sites have had later buildings constructed within. Pottery found at Wandlebury may well lead to the assumption there was pre-Iron Age occupation, but not necessarily of a ritualistic nature. Although of course there are also Lethbridge's ponderings to consider. Bollocks, or not?

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Posted by GLADMAN
25th April 2014ce

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Re: wandlebury ringhill wallbury (the greenish man)

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