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Marlborough Mound
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moss wrote:
GLADMAN wrote:

What a pity.

I'm not sure it is trespass in a public school, pretend to be a parent ;) but a phone call would not come amiss. The problem with the mound is it has been so messed around with, it would be more interesting to walk along the river and gauge its position in the landscape...

That part of the river Kennet also runs through the college grounds Moss, a car park to be specific. The mound is quite close to the Marlborough College Chapel which is worth a visit if you like Pre-Raphaelite paintings. I have been there a couple of times to hear a choral performance - unfortunately on both occasions is was starting to get dark so I wasn't able to wander up to the mound.

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Posted by tjj
26th January 2014ce

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