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Re: A Very British Witchcraft
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And I'll stand my ground too. I certainly didn't quote him out of context, quite the reverse:
"I'm not getting into another game of semantic one upmanship, but I will say that yet again, the proof or not is down to personal experience" was a standalone declaration which he knew was bound to produce opposition as we've had an enormously long thread in which almost everyone disagreed with it. So I disagreed with him, bad me, and he swore and flounced, the twerp. Why are you implying that was OK as he was "provoked"? No he wasn't. Where?

As for witchcraft being an appropriate subject here, I can't think why you even mentioned it because I have said nothing to imply I think otherwise have I?

I really don't care if he's God's gift to etiquette elsewhere, IMO he's clearly demonstrated he needs to grow up a bit, simple as that, and you implying he did nothing wrong won't aid that process.

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Posted by nigelswift
28th August 2013ce

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