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Re: So much b*dger activity.
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Apparently it is possible to close badger setts down in certain circumstances - without harming the badgers. I listened to a short talk last week and this course of action is sometimes taken if a sett is on land due to be developed. A sort of gate is fixed over the entrances so the badgers can get out but not back in again. It is never undertaken during the breeding period.[...]/wildlife/species/badgers.aspx

My inclination is to let EKLB be, do we really need to know everything about everything?

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Posted by tjj
23rd July 2013ce

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Re: So much b*dger activity. (harestonesdown)

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Re: So much b*dger activity. (thesweetcheat)
Re: So much b*dger activity. (harestonesdown)

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