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Re: Ice Age Art at the BM
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Evergreen Dazed wrote:
Went along to this on Tuesday. Absolutely stunning.

Hard to take in to be honest, even as you are staring at the objects. I've since been thinking about the circumstances under which some of these were created, the possible reasons, the kind of life those people led and what those pieces of art meant to them.

Strangely, perhaps, considering the other wonders on offer, my favourite piece was a small fish, made of bone c13,000BC, from Lespugues, France.
But it was all fantastic.

If you're thinking of seeing it, its on until 2nd June and the site says advance tickets are sold out but some may be available on the door. Worth investigating that possibility as its a superb collection.

Yup, you’re right, it is hard to take in... close, but so far removed from ‘us’ - and that’s the puzzling bit maybe.

Just out of curiosity, how did you feel about the inclusion of the ‘modern’ art items? Were they relevant in the context of an art of the Ice Age exhibition do you think?

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Posted by Littlestone
30th May 2013ce

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Re: Ice Age Art at the BM (Evergreen Dazed)

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Re: Ice Age Art at the BM (Evergreen Dazed)

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