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Belas Knap
Re: Swastikas at Belas Knap
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juamei wrote:
EH are especially keen for all crimes at sites to be reported as they feel they are historically under reported so the scale and nature of crimes at sites etc isn't treated correctly by the police.

Yes, we're all so use to thinking it's hopeless it's easy to forget EH and the police are now doing really good work through ARCH (the Alliance to Reduce Crimes against Heritage). They do need informing though and since someone or other from TMA visits the sites far more often than EH we can actually make a difference.

People who do swastikas are very obliging as the ancient ones are backwards so it's obvious whether it's been done by a misguided pagan or a football manager.

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Posted by nigelswift
7th April 2013ce

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Re: Swastikas at Belas Knap (juamei)

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