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Re: Ice Age Art at the BM
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BuckyE wrote:

Loie and I ****WILL BE AT*** the museum Friday, March 22, at 10:20 a.m. We've already booked our tickets for that timed entrance. Be there with us and we'd be delighted. We think it would be wonderful to tour the exhibit with an informal group of TMAers. I've just sent an email:

"Dear Ms or Mr Samuels,

Loie and I will be visiting the museum Friday, March 22 ay 10:20 to tour the Ice Age exhibit. (We're coming from Westminster, Maryland, USA to London specifically to see this exciting exhibit! This will be our 12th Driving the Stone Age trip:[...]05_other/drivingthestonea.html and gosh, I need to update that page.)

We're hoping that some of our British friends will also be able to attend with us. If that's the case, is there a chance we could have a docent accompany us, or speak to us about the exhibit? Any advice you could give would be greatly appreciated.

Yours truly,
Bucky Edgett"

So we'll see if that gets any results.

Littlestone also suggests:
1. The 14.00–15.35 showing of the film. [Loie and I have seen it twice. Interesting footage but lousy movie. So that we'd probably skip, but...]
2. A drink in The Museum Tavern around 5-ish would be very welcome. [Yes! with all our TMA friends!] The Museum Tavern is not the greatest place but it’s very convenient being right across the road from the BM. [Trust him to know where to go for a drink.]
3. A meal later for those who want to (remembering that some people would need to think about heading home no later than 7-8 or so).

Please chime in, and remember that we'd be thrilled to see any and all of you!

Just a reminder folks that we'll be in the Museum Tavern a week tomorrow from 5-ish onwards if you're in the area and feel like meeting up.

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Posted by Littlestone
14th March 2013ce

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Re: Ice Age Art at the BM (BuckyE)

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Re: Ice Age Art at the BM (Littlestone)

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