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Re: Stone Circle between Avebury and Marlborough
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harestonesdown wrote:
Sanctuary wrote:
Harryshill wrote:
Maybe Paul will give a explanation.

Maybe we could ALL drop it and move on. At one time or another we have all decided for whatever reason to not discuss a subject any further. Why don't we do the same here for the good of the forum. That's all I'm going to say on the matter myself and hope others join me.

Sanctuary wrote:
Harryshill wrote:
Maybe Paul will give a explanation.

Maybe we could ALL drop it and move on. At one time or another we have all decided for whatever reason to not discuss a subject any further. Why don't we do the same here for the good of the forum. That's all I'm going to say on the matter myself and hope others join me.

All people are asking Roy is that Paul behaves appropriately by toning down his responses when people declare an opposing view to one he holds, it's stifles productive discussion and so negates the whole purpose of the forum. Not only that it gets peoples backs up which spoils each and every thread, just look at the top threads, each one pervaded by nonsense and endless replies that have nothing to do with the original subject. I also believe it stops others contributing for fear of his tongue.

No-one wants Paul to to become a number or not show his personality but you don't use the "C" word in front of your mother or yell STFU in a police officers face ! Paul sees everything as "compliance", no-one is asking for that just a little respect for others opinions, i'm sure he's related To MPP ! :P

Paul will probably reply by listing my "offenses" but this isn't about that, i'm courteous when shown courtesy, respectful when shown respect and willing to share all my knowledge with anyone here in person with all previous grievances forgotten. i've always said that and genuinely meant it no matter how heated things have become (Not sure about skipping through meadows though) and i'm sure anyone needing a little help on the ground up/down here would confidently take that up, several already have.

He wont believe it but i actually like Paul, he's different, and different can be good in a Lubbock/Keiller sort of way, he did find the Manton barrow after all !

Paul, just chill a bit mate, if you see something you consider a verbal attack mull it over a while ? real meaning can often be lost in text, misinterpreted and misconstrued, especially when the mods are too tight to provide a few smilies.

I know you don't want/need my help/advice so let's just call this me "venting", (and i'll apologise now for critiquing your TMA personality) but tomorrow you wont be my mate, last Monday you were, earlier you were slating me whilst on your Hordron Edge pic we were chatting ? You want to be here, you like it :) but your either being unrelentingly unreasonable or just plain fucking nasty, i'd like to believe the former and you'll make a little concession for all us compliers ;)

Finally, to touch on Roys comment :) i'd really like to see this stop now too, there's a point where it has to stop or it does become bullying, though a "modification" is needed somewhere, be that personally or administratively. :|

If Paul is sensible like he can be when he has his right head on he won't react to this other than in a good way. He has a wealth of knowledge, that is patently obvious by the comments he makes on the hundreds of sites he has visited, far more than I ever have and I for one don't want to see him scared off or asked to leave. But that is down to him of course to not see opposition in everything others have to say and for us to possibly understand him a little more at the same time. Paul, I think you're a good guy underneath it all but full of frustration because you feel others aren't listening to you. They are, but don't expect them to agree all the time okay.

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Posted by Sanctuary
8th March 2013ce

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