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Re: Just a word
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bladup wrote:
harestonesdown wrote:
bladup wrote:
harestonesdown wrote:
bladup wrote:
harestonesdown wrote:
bladup wrote:
harestonesdown wrote:
nigelswift wrote:
bladup wrote:
Rhiannon wrote:
You're not listening.

I'm happy to read your posts in general.

I just don't want to read the ranting ones.

Several of us are asking you not to make the ranting ones any more.

It's like asking me not to be me though, i am really like a ranting pagan victor meldrew and ask no one to like me, in life i have the people who love me greatly and pretty much get on with nobody else nor do i want to, this doesn't mean i want to argue with people though, it's starting to feel like a witchhunt or the wickerman or something where the locals are banding together to get me in the Wooden figure, very pagan i suppose, i have some great chats with Roy about sites down here in Cornwall and he has no trouble with me at all, ask him, i think people should start looking at themselves more, You haven't done anything wrong as such but Nigel's behaviour is awful, I mean trying to get me kicked off is very low indeed.

Oh for goodness sake, always the victim of - what ten people, fifteen now? We all take turns at being the reason for your objectionable behaviour.

No-one's trying to get rid of you but in my opinion it's absolutely high time the Eds had a strict public word with you and told you to stop flaring up periodically as a thuggish self-centred oik. If you think anyone at all would think that was a bad thing "because it would be like asking me not to be me" you're deluding yourself.

And given that, as i'm the horrible and homophobic one, should i address everyone in such a manner ? and be acceptable because it's "my" nature.


I can't get my head around you sticking up for him, i'm glad i've seen this well before i met you, it's shocking, you could have stuck up for anyone else on here geoff and it wouldn't bother me in the slightest, but him geoff, you want to take a step back and have another look, we could have had a friendship as we both clearly know similar things, what do you and him have in common then? you'd have got more from me over the next few years than you could him in a lifetime, but you'll never know now will you, i'm at Avebury and Stonehenge every Winter and summer solstices, my photo's on the portal and if you've got anything to say to my face, feel free, i doubt you will though, see you there.

But you're wrong Paul, if i'm "sticking up" for anything it's civility, can you not see that ?

and can you not see how that you of all people telling someone else how to behave makes you a hypocrite, or is it some kind of penance for your past wrongdoings? i think that's a fair point Geoff.

You're just not seeing it.
So let's say i did call someone a c*cksucking &*£$% at some point in the past, should i carry on that way or adjust my behaviour ?

You should in this life always be true to yourself, and only you know what that truth really is.

That's a cop out Paul and deep down you know that.

In relation to your Mam Tor question, should i have replied "i know, but i'm not sharing my info with you as your a complete bastard" ?

We're not individuals (to some extent) here Paul, singularly we learn less, so alienating yourself to everyone is just spiting yourself. This isn't a forum of individuals, it's a collective where we share knowledge, something that's pretty hard to do if you don't conduct yourself in a certain way. It's that you need to take on board.

It's who i am in real life though, and there's no cop out at all, being true to yourself is one of the most important things in life, and telling people what you think of them is part of that, i wouldn't change my character [it's done me fine] just to stay on here no, i'll always be true to myself and so should everyone else, what makes me laugh is the ed's tell me if i'm crossing the line not anyone else and they've said nothing at all, i listen to them on here not people who think they own the place [the ed's actually do], If you don't like how i am just leave me be and i will you, if you were trying to help me then thanks but i don't want or need it, but thanks for trying [your methods could do with some work though].[...]WggZAH&ved=0CDQQ9QEwAA&dur=852

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Posted by harestonesdown
7th March 2013ce

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Re: Just a word (bladup)

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