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Re: Just a word
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tjj wrote:
bladup wrote:
Rhiannon wrote:
You're not listening.

I'm happy to read your posts in general.

I just don't want to read the ranting ones.

Several of us are asking you not to make the ranting ones any more.

It's like asking me not to be me though, i am really like a ranting pagan victor meldrew and ask no one to like me, in life i have the people who love me greatly and pretty much get on with nobody else nor do i want to, this doesn't mean i want to argue with people though, it's starting to feel like a witchhunt or the wickerman or something where the locals are banding together to get me in the Wooden figure, very pagan i suppose, i have some great chats with Roy about sites down here in Cornwall and he has no trouble with me at all, ask him, i think people should start looking at themselves more, You haven't done anything wrong as such but Nigel's behaviour is awful, I mean trying to get me kicked off is very low indeed.

No one is banding together Paul, I like you (most of the time) and found your interaction with Tiompan about Clava Cairns fascinating and informative - this forum at its best. You do have your moments though ... might be better to switch off and stroke the cat rather than react.

Oh err missus, Stroke the cat??? Hee hee, only joking and I also like you most of the time, I take your point but again it's just not in my nature and not me, i might come across stressed but i'm always very calm, the only people on here to stress me is george [it's in the past], who i think is great and nigel who i don't, anyway like Baza says remember there's some great rock art at the clava's and it's very easy to spot as well.

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Posted by bladup
7th March 2013ce

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Re: Just a word (tjj)

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