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Just a word
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Bladup, I thought I'd pop back and say this -

All I've said on this thread is that I suspect there's “a genuine placebo effect at work at many circles whether old or modern" , an idea I've been proposing for ten years and which has generated a number of long, interesting and above all civilised TMA discussions.

In response you have taken it upon yourself to say that it shows, I'm selfish, childish, off my head, have no soul and am “a bitter old man”.

Bad behaviour. People have repeatedly given you a lot of latitude here because, I suspect, they think you genuinely don't know how to behave properly. You shouldn't mistake that for approval though.

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Posted by nigelswift
6th March 2013ce

2 replies:

Re: Just a word (tjj)
Re: Just a word (bladup)

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