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Re: Stone Circle between Avebury and Marlborough
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bladup wrote:
nigelswift wrote:
"I'll inform my walking companion that those 'vibes' they were picking up were just a placebo effect."

I have a suspicion that there is a genuine placebo effect at work at many circles whether old or modern, arising from a pleasing proportionality.

If you erected a stone circle in a shopping centre it may well be appreciated as a pleasing haven in which people would like to eat their sandwiches or read a book.
But it has to be the right size and spacing. Yes? No?

Well you keep thinking that there's a "genuine placebo effect at work at many circles whether old or modern" and i'll know otherwise, this may be true of almost all modern ones but i can assure you it's not true of the Ancient ones, if you really think this why have such a big interest in the subject? surely it's a love of the mystery and feeling of the places [you can feel at the places all the mysterious ritual that went on for sometimes 1000's of years, lots and lots of Ritual goes on in all Ancient cultures, and it's still the reason people say churches "feel" nice even in our times].

I feel a fundamental divergence coming on so I'll only say a bit.....

To advise me to "keep thinking" something while you'll "know otherwise" implies you have some great gobbet of knowledge that I don't. Whereas, I rather suspect - unless you can show otherwise - that what you have is your own feelings, which you interpret as evidence of "knowing" but in fact is in exactly in the same category as the certainty of the Jehovah's Witness lady that comes to my door.

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Posted by nigelswift
5th March 2013ce

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