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Re: Stone Circle between Avebury and Marlborough
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VBB wrote:
Sanctuary wrote:
nigelswift wrote:
"I'll inform my walking companion that those 'vibes' they were picking up were just a placebo effect."

I have a suspicion that there is a genuine placebo effect at work at many circles whether old or modern, arising from a pleasing proportionality.

If you erected a stone circle in a shopping centre it may well be appreciated as a pleasing haven in which people would like to eat their sandwiches or read a book.
But it has to be the right size and spacing. Yes? No?

I'd go along with that and even suggest that's why many were erected where they are in the first place because of it, not because it came afterwards.

There's nothing the builders wanted more than to get away from all those shops! Clearly why Avebury and Stonehenge weren't put up in Marlborough or Salisbury.

Haaaaaa, Haaaaaa : > } That made me laugh out loud.

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Posted by bladup
4th March 2013ce

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