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Re: Ice Age Art at the BM
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Well, having worked at the ‘Big House’ just across the road from the Museum Tavern for a good few years you get to know where the best watering holes are in the area. There are a couple of others off Southampton Row that are OK but a bit out of the way.

Tell you something about the Museum Tavern though Mr B. Back in the 80s it was the only pub I knew in London that still used indoor gaslight! (dunno if it still does). Also walked past there one morning and there was a fella using a goose feather to paint the outside ‘columns’ of the pub. A goose feather you ask! Yup, so did I. Evidently the best way to get a marbled effect with paint on wood.

Clever. Not a lot of ‘historians’ know about the use of gaslight and feathers within sight of the British Museum (or even within it :-)

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Posted by Littlestone
17th February 2013ce

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Re: Ice Age Art at the BM (BuckyE)

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