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Eyam Moor
Re: Ring Cairn/Stone Circle on Eyam Moor
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common era wrote:
Yes, I have been there. It's quite commonly referred to as Stanage and has a lovely cup marked stone at it's entrance. There are several references to it being a ringcairn, but when I spoke to John Barnatt he reckoned it was more likely to be a robbed out barrow.

Easily approachable from either the Wet Withens, or from the south, parking at where Sir William Hill road meets Edge Road.

If you scroll down to the last picture on the following link you can see a pic of the cup marked stone:

Great site and well worth a visit. First time I went was a beautiful day in October, simply gorgeous!

More info here:[...]ile=index&do=showpic&pid=99744

Eyam Moor III is fairly easy to find (I found it while searching for Eyam Moor II). If you haven't found Eyam Moor II, then as someone said, you will kick yourself when you do. Took me quite some time, only to find it is literally right next to the path that crosses the moor (doh!). Mind you it was only discovered when the heather was burned off for grouse shooting in the late 80s. Until then it was thought it had been destroyed!

It's the wrong place CE [even though stanage and it's cup marked boulder are lovely], Stanage cairn is at SK216786 and the cairn Alastair asked about is at SK22547864 it's about a mile to the east of Stanage cairn and looks very interesting, it's south of wet withens and looks like a little version of it, which is interesting to me because i've often felt that ringcairns in the peak play a similar roll to single standing stones in other parts of the country, ringcairns as outliers leading you to the stone circles and a place where ritual took place on the way to the stone circle as well.

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Posted by bladup
15th January 2013ce

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