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Re: Silbury Hill trespassers
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Mustard wrote:
Evergreen Dazed wrote:
Mustard wrote:
Evergreen Dazed wrote:

Totally agree, pointless to put in a perimeter path that still creates a feeling of distance.

I'm not so sure. I always feel Silbury Hill is quite a difficult monument to engage with, and the idea of a circular path at a distance really appeals. At the moment, there's no real access, and no way to approach the monument. I think if you provide people with SOME way of approaching it and interacting with it, it will reduce the perceived need for climbing the hill. But this is all speculative, and we'll never really know what approach is the best one until something is actually tried.

True, we cannot know, but going by my own experience viewing from even quite close (from the road or from the field via the gate to the east) I want to get closer, much closer!

One worrying possibility, I suppose, is if people were allowed within touching distance they might be tempted to take lumps of the hill home with them as a souvenir. Sounds odd, I know, but I bet there would be a few.

Guess it's all very much dependent on the individual. I'd like to get closer to Silbury and move around it, but still from some distance away. I don't feel the need to get close. It'd be nice to climb it, but I don't feel a need to in order to appreciate it as a monument.

I think there'll always be a downside to any approach. Unless you cover it in a glass dome, there'll always be a trade off.

I'm still waiting for my mate Simon Werry (aerial photographer on the BBC's AFRICA) to fly me around the THAT'S the way to view it!!

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Posted by Sanctuary
9th January 2013ce

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Re: Silbury Hill trespassers (Mustard)

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