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Re: Silbury Hill trespassers
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VBB wrote:
[Personally, I will press for an increased number of slightly larger signs around the fenceline and at key sites. The most important of these would be signs in the car park, and on the approaches, such as one mounted facing both directions on the new stile (so that one can't help but be confronted with it's message)

I think that would make a big difference. Most people, if confronted, would say they didn't see any notices. If they don't have that option a lot would not go up I reckon. EH need to employ a psychologist.

I'm not a big fan of saying EH archaeos go up there and they let the occasional Druid and film crews up there, so either everyone or no-one should be allowed up. It's all about limited numbers because damage is in proportion to numbers - and being organised.

Plus I'm willing to bet that if 15 respectable people approached EH for an accompanied group visit they'd be accommodated. If so that rather undermines the "my right to do what I like" sentiments that some use as justification. Maybe EH should advertise such trips, like they do at Stonehenge.

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Posted by nigelswift
8th January 2013ce

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