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Re: New study challenges timeline
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tiompan wrote:
Evergreen Dazed wrote:
tiompan wrote:
Evergreen Dazed wrote:

I personally wouldn't want to see 'The Sensible Forum' and 'The Way-out' Forum'. It doesn't feel right to me. This subject is about us, all of us, and where we come from!

Personally I think it is about "them " , and what you or I think is not really that important .

Yes, I see what you mean, but we 'are' them, if you get my drift.

looking at the start of this thread and the way that it has shifted i.e. originally about the problems sorting out the sequence of events at a monument =them , to the later comments , mostly us and regularly " I " , exemplifies the difference for me .
No coincidence that the dodgy stuff tends to be very "I" based too, not really about the people of the past but more often how someone usually an "I " has an ability to garner info that is otherwise unavailable to everyone else . There is never any evidence to support the ability or the info , what is important is the "I" and their "abilities " .This is also coupled with a disdain for those who actually do garner the genuine info often relatively anonymously .

But it is an education of its own kind.
Some human beings (lots actually) find something, for want of a better word, 'correct' or perhaps safe about the "I" thing, even with the total absence of proof.
Its very human. Look at world religion. More "I's" than you could shake a stick at.

I have my own thoughts, of course, but when we look at the millions involved in religion we are looking at us, and at 'them'.
To discover when one of "them" placed an amber bead in a barrow is a scientific process. To discover "them" as thought processes we can look at ourselves, and at the combination of posts and ideas on this fourm.
Some of the people who love these monuments can't tell you about radiocarbon but they can communicate ideas of a different nature and it's up to you to listen, or not.

I believe the human brain has many dormant, or perhaps dulled, functions. Why do I believe that? I'm not sure. But maybe it's why i'm willing to at least think about some of the stuff the "I" people offer.
It might be 99% crap, I don't know. But I "sense" (dodgy?) there is some truth to be got at and sometimes the "I"s feel close to it. I don't know why that should be. Could be an illusion. I try to keep an open mind, but not so open that any old stuff can fall in. But, surely, my 'modern' thinking, in that sense, is just as flawed?
Did the religious and ritual aspects of Neolithic life follow any sort of 'logic'?

I admit to knowing nothing.

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Evergreen Dazed
Posted by Evergreen Dazed
4th December 2012ce

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