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Re: Modern memorials as 'ancient monuments'
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GLADMAN wrote:
There's a modern stone circle erected beside my sister's old estate in Bridgend. Erected in veneration of Mother Nature? Er, try politics?

There is a modern one erected in between the kiddies chute and the teenager's skateboard ramp at the point where Bron-Y-De meets Morfa'r Garreg in Pwlhelli. Perhaps it commemorates the meeting of those two streets and their individual cultures.

It is near my Auntie Betty's house.

Werent a lot of these modern Welsh circles erected to commemorate their annual singing and dancing extravaganza... the Eisteddfod... each host town gets a circle or sumhin'?

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Howburn Digger
Posted by Howburn Digger
2nd December 2012ce

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