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Re: Modern memorials as 'ancient monuments'
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bladup wrote:
The circles are in the landscape anyway [they're the natural ritual centers]. The reason humans use and mark the places in the past and are just starting to again now are for binding different local tribes together, And to get together and mix [For Ritual, Partners, Trade, Law, Music, Dance and meditation], and they are marked only because some of us seer's are shown where they are, anyone who doesn't understand this hasn't been shown and therefore I understand won't know or believe what we're going on about, and I for one wouldn't want [because most couldn't handle the truth] or expect them to, there's energies on this planet [and everywhere] that no one can measure, so it goes without saying that they're unknown to but a few, I'm saying this to help not cause a disagreement, this is all very close to my heart and soul, so I will leave this discussion now just in case something is said and it upsets me, as i've probably said to much already. The old places are becoming the new places again and finally the desert gods will be defeated, let the old gods and goddess's heal the land and let the beings of light change the chosen few into something amazing, isn't evolution great? I say bring it on and let their light into our hearts and souls to truly and finally heal ourselves [therefore fulfilling our great potential].


Scarred and wounded often torn
The Earth lies bleeding as if just born
Man and machine their efforts great
Tear it apart they just won't wait

Proud beasts lay stricken stripped of pride
Their souls destroyed by those that lied
Defient in will they reached their heights
But could not match those rifle sights

Forests gone now lost in time
A treasured memory just left in rhyme
Greed and fortune sealed their fate
Green forests turned from love to hate

Help me please the Earth has cried
My forests, beasts and man have died
Stop this evil trade in grief
Stabilise, then return belief

Crush the oppressor of man, bird and beast
Show them no mercy as they did least
Return our Earth to its rightful pride
In harmony with man...side by side

We must fight back, this can't go on
Return the pledge made to God's only son
Stand tall and proud and don't give in
Resist man's efforts to trade in sin

The Earth may lay bleeding but help is at hand
It just needs more people to help understand
We can win this war brought on by greed
And return to life our Earth by seed

When we have our lives will change
Brought on by care and love again
Earth will heal when this we do
Then just rewards will come to you

Roy Goutté. 1999

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Posted by Sanctuary
2nd December 2012ce

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