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Re: The first site you ever visited.
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Thanks for that, the lost place name is interesting, because years ago when i first read about that, the place was said to be quite near castle dykes henge in wensleydale, at the time i even looked at old maps of there and found things [field names and the like] called blades around the place, the thing i read did tell you where to look though, so it wasn't me that discovered it, it really does show how fast information can get lost even in this computer driven age, it's also strange how around viking settlements, the local people [in the past] used to say that the prehistoric monuments were built by the Danes, so this makes you wonder just how long they've been coming over here, i guess we'll get to know all that sort of thing in the years to come though DNA.[/quote]

Great stuff.
Talking about a Danish link I'd love to get over there to have a look at some of the monuments.
Now, I DO know feck all about them, bar the stuff in TME, but would love to know more. Just looking at them they are really evocative sites.

Baronens Høj!

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Evergreen Dazed
Posted by Evergreen Dazed
6th October 2012ce

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