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Re: Modern memorials as 'ancient monuments'
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I'm new but I think your discussion should be broadened: if you take something like Wansdyke, or Offa's Dyke, Hadrian's Wall, and Stonehenge as ancient monuments, I suggest that the earthworks and durable elements (not concrete and steel which will spall and rust) for any of our motorways or railways will, eventually, fall into the same definition. In fact, I've written a novel about exactly that theme. It's not to be taken too seriously, in fact it might even raise a smile. It's called Defective Gods - which, the story goes, is what Stonehenge and the M4 are both dedicated to. It's an ebook at present. Under £2. Give it a try, you might find the ideas intriguing.

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Posted by lintelman
2nd October 2012ce

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