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Re: Room for a view
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nigelswift wrote:
The point I was thinking about regarding the Cotswold scarp was that Silbury's slope is at its natural slope of repose - which adds a whole other uncertainty into claims it was "meant".

The Cotswold scarp is not an angle of repose . The angle must also be regular and match the angle of set at the time of year , good luck finding one in the Cotswolds .You have no option with the Silbury angle of repose but nobody suggested it was "meant" . However there are plenty of other examples of non man made hills where the the angle of the slope matches that of the setting sun sometimes even at a auspicious time like solstices and even more auspiciously seen from cup marked rocks e.g.
pic 3 of shows the view of another .
is interesting in that the radials might have provided the indication of where to look but they didn't , as always they went down slope .
None are intentional and there will be plenty more ,they just have not been noticed .

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Posted by tiompan
2nd September 2012ce

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Re: Room for a view (nigelswift)

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Re: Room for a view (nigelswift)

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