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Re: Lodge Park Long Barrow
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tjj wrote:
Been off line for a couple of days so haven't caught up with the recent discussions yet. This is just to report that I visited today and the long barrow now seems in good condition - it is protected by a three strand electric fence which is low enough to step over if you want to. The NT meadow has a large herd of pedigree cattle roaming over it so an electric fence is a necessity.

Great stuff June, cheers. Shame the fence had to go up but I suppose
it's either that or repeated damage to the LB.
I must also say I'm very pleased with the way the archaeological adviser at Glos county council responded. "Textbook", as Alan Partridge might say. :)

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Evergreen Dazed
Posted by Evergreen Dazed
25th August 2012ce

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Re: Lodge Park Long Barrow (tjj)

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