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Re: Lodge Park Long Barrow
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tjj wrote:
tiompan wrote:
tjj wrote:
Hi Tiompan,

I can't quite get my head around this discussion - is it being said the the Lodge Park Long Barrow is not a long barrow but a different type of barrow. Or, is the discussion about a different barrow completely? Would be grateful to have recent discussion condensed because I've think I've lost the plot.

best wishes


June , to the south east of the Long Barrow is a small mound that was believed by Grinsell to have been a round barrow but EH field surveyors in 2005 and a later assessment show that it overlies a field boundary , medieval ridge and furrow do not deviate around and it could even be a feature of the estate from the 17th C or 18th Centuries .

Thanks Tiompan, that's clear and concise - am glad the long barrow is still a long barrow :-)

Crawford described it as the "finest long barrow he had ever seen "

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Posted by tiompan
24th August 2012ce

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Re: Lodge Park Long Barrow (tjj)

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Re: Lodge Park Long Barrow (thesweetcheat)

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