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Re: Lodge Park Long Barrow
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Evergreen Dazed wrote:
Sanctuary wrote:
bladup wrote:
When there don't forgot the low bowl barrow 100 m to the SE, there seemed a real connection between the two when i was there, take a look at baza's picture [ lodge park longbarrow 3 rd picture] and i think this shows that well, and i just went though the side gate around the winter solstice, they aren't stopping me visiting the ancesters, it's a great place and i'm surprised it isn't more well known.

The long barrow is presumably earlier than the bowl barrow so the 'connection' could be purely the location possibly which is always interesting and worth following up.

The LB is, of course, much older than the RB but if you visit you will see how the RB seems to have been aligned (could get myself into trouble using that word, perhaps 'placed' is a better choice) to almost "accept" the LB as its reason for being there.
A little like a monument in front of a natural outcrop. You do feel there is definitely some relationship or as bladup says, a connection.

I've not visited but appreciate what you are saying ED. To me it's rather like the Sanctuary on Overton Hill that has the later Bronze Age barrows 'across the way'. It suggests the importance of the position rather than a direct connection between the two to me, but then I am just surmizing which is about all we can do with certainty isn't it.

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Posted by Sanctuary
24th August 2012ce

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Re: Lodge Park Long Barrow (Evergreen Dazed)

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