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Re: Short-sighted?
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Sanctuary wrote:
bladup wrote:
You will soon realise how lucky you are to be so close, as there's that much good stuff, a lot of people [ i was one of them ] come from a long way so try to pack in as much as they can, you been so close means you can relax and give the places the time they deserve, knowing it's always there for next time, i myself love the 4 main circles [ boskednan + it's north and south ringcairns-and inc men an tol on same walk, tregaseal, merry maidens and last but not least boscawen un ] and the 4 main quoits [ lanyon, chun, mulfa and zennor ] and if you're going to chysauster you'll have to try carn euny as well, i live down here and i'm excited for you, i think because of your soft spot for trethevy you would like zennor a lot as well, the only problem is zennors the hardest to get to, it's not to bad though, but saying that a lot of people don't even find it as it's not where people think it is [it's quite hard for people to see where the map is saying it is], and from the outcrops it's still quite far away and is hard to see until you know what you're looking at, happy hunting!!!! I think the religious thing probably comes from the feelings people sometimes get at the sites, eg they don't understand what they are or what they're feeling so put it down to some bollocks to do with MODERN religion, i think the axe carvings [ in relief ] on the centre stone at boscawen un might explain something about the sites and there belief system [ if there was one],or maybe they were places on an axe trading network, i got into all this from an out of body experience though. Remember beakers from balfarg henge in scotland had hallucinogens in when tested, so a belief system around mushrooms and the like is maybe quite plausible as well though.

Thanks Bladup and ED. Yes I am very lucky to live in Cornwall and realise it. As I've mentioned before, I much prefer these days to concentrate in a particular area (of research) or particular site as I have been with Trethevy, so will be using the trip to see if there's anything in particular that catches my imagination. If I do then just about anything is then only say an hour and a half away which makes for a good day out anytime to take further details or re-confirm what I already have. I'm hoping it will be a tad quieter visitor wise in September as I take hours of video and talk for England whilst doing it to point out details I might otherwise forget, so if you come across this bloke apparently talking to himself and looking a bit dodgy, then the chances are it'll be moi :-)

Yes that would be quite something to see and I bet we can all talk for england given the chance, i've often thought there's something in the fact that as you go round in a clockwise motion though the circles you start off at merry maidens in it's gentle rolling hills farming setting, then boscawen un in it's slightly more wild landscape setting with it's own little outcrop [creeg tol] and then tregaseal with it's moorland setting and big outcrop [carn kenidjack] and then boskednan in it's wild moorland setting and massive outcrop [carn galver ], each place clearly gets more and more wild and less fertile, it would have been true when they were built and is still true now, have a look and let us know what you think. There may be also something in 4 main stone circle sites [ i know some had more than one circle at them, but i'm thinking sites ] and 4 main quoit sites as well, as you well know their landscape was much more connected in there heads than we now see it, and what we might see as a long walk from one site to another may have been nothing to them.

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Posted by bladup
18th August 2012ce

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Re: Short-sighted? (Sanctuary)

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