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Turinhill Craigs
Re: Calling Tiompan/Rock Art Experts..Cup Marked Slab?
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GLADMAN wrote:
Needless to say happy to remove if the consensus of opinion is 'no', but happened to (literally) chance across this slab just c25 paces approx south-east of the Turin Hill summit stile. There are numerous conglomerate slabs in the area (with cavities where the pebble had been obviously dislodged), but this one looked very, very different to my untrained eye.

The OS ref I've given is approximate.

You should have got in touch G , I'm only a few miles from there .
Yes it's a certainty . There are a few on the hill , both sides ,a wee bit odd in that some are close to the top , one is part of the dun .

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Posted by tiompan
4th June 2012ce

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