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Slaggyford Stones
Re: Slaggyford Stones .
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tiompan wrote:
tjj wrote:
tiompan wrote:
Another example you might have mentioned is the use of antural markings within genuine rock art ,look at how the man made markings are enclosed in natural markings . .This is not uncommon and the questiion is did the engravers see these natural markings as convenient frames or whether they maybe perceived as earlier man made markings .

Tiompan, I think I've learnt a lot from a few of the posts here, especially with regard to natural markings. Do you mind me asking about the above example - is it possible that the natural markings occurred after the man-made carvings as sandstone can crack and split over long periods of time.

June , I have just realised that I should mentioned what pic to go to get the best example . The particular case I was thinking of was pic 29 from the top left .
As it's not an uncommon feature to find the natural markings incorporated into man made designs it suggests that the natural was primary but that doesn't mean it couldn't have occurred later . In the case above (no 29 )because there are multiple "frames " I think that is more certain natural first .

Yes I can see what you are saying clearly on image 29. Thanks G.

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Posted by tjj
11th September 2011ce

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