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Re: The Recumbent Stone Circles of NE Scotland
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Chris wrote:
Get your orders in!

(on Amazon, but the link was waaaayyy long)

I know this reply is, like, 3 years late, but with many online stores (and online newspapers, etc) the URL can be reduced to almost the domain name plus a number; in this case:

These sites tend to add a readable description (in this case the book title) so that if you are browing your History you can tell what it was you were looking at; it also make the link look more "friendly"; they also add lots of guff them helps them track where links originated from which is what the "ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1225978095&sr=8-1" bit is probably about (except the UTF8 part, which is the encoding)

So you don't always have to use tinyurl (but sometimes it is easier!)

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Posted by Malmesbury Road
27th July 2011ce

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