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Re: Unexplained uneasy feeling
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The Sea Cat wrote:
You current investigations are absolutely fascinating Drew.

Indeed they are!

Speaking as someone who has never met an apparition (to my knowledge) or been able to communicate with anyone beyond the dead - it would make me very happy to do so. Up till now anyway, it has always been living people who have sometimes given me an uneasy feeling - and not necessarily in remote locations. I have been known to cross the road or turn back if I pick up an atmosphere from someone approaching me.

Have been reading about ancient trackways quite a bit recently and it seems there are many 'haunted highways'. Paranormal activity is apparently often associated with old roads. Crossroads too, were traditionally considered a liminal space where normal physical laws did not apply - perhaps why wayside shrines, crosses, and stones apear there. All Hallows Eve is a favourite time for spirits to gather at crossroads and there is many bits of folk-lore around this.

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Posted by tjj
7th July 2011ce

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Re: Unexplained uneasy feeling (The Sea Cat)

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