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Re: Unexplained uneasy feeling
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Do you know Moss, I had a memorable experience up there on Lansdown too. I mean it probably was nothing and with my memory I can't remember the details, but it's interesting how it's stuck in my head for over ten years. I think we were walking along the top near Hanging Hill, heading towards the racecourse, and this person rode towards us, and when they'd gone past we were both like 'that was a bit odd?' as they weren't using a saddle and they were dressed in sort of rough, not obviously modern clothes. (I can't remember what they were wearing. But it couldn't have been trainers or jeans or anything noticeably contemporary or that wouldn't have pressed the 'peculiar' button).

Even if it really was just some bloke on a horse (which is likely I admit), the experience colours my feeling for the place. I guess that's the same for many of the experiences people are recounting on here, you can't easily take away the effect of how you felt at the time, even if afterwards you had it all explained to you Rationally in black and white?

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Posted by Rhiannon
6th July 2011ce

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