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Re: Bloody cows
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tjj wrote:
Just to clarify, in my post I mentioned Boscawen-un - as an example, not of fencing in the barbed wire sense, but of an wonderful stone circle which is protected by a circular enclosure of gorse and blackthorn (beautifully in bloom when I visited a couple of Aprils ago). There are a lot of blackthorn hedges in that area which are quite effective as fencing - as anyone who has tried to scrabble through them will confirm.

Boscawen-Un is in an area of low lying farmland, most enclosed by hedges and drystone wall-based Cornish hedges. The enclosure of that circle is in keeping with the surrounding landscape (at least as it is now anyway). It has a nice intimate feel but is completely unlike the two moorland circles. Tregeseal and Nine Maidens (potentially threatened by enclosure and grazing as well once Carn Galva/Lanyon Croft schemes are introduced) are on open moorland. There are no hedges or fences around them and the open spaces are integral to their appeal, as is their relative distance from roads and houses. They are my two favourite sites anywhere because of their open, lonely feel.

I also went back to Merry Maidens on Friday and the field was being mown by two tractors, which was quite a weird sight around the stones. For me, the circle lacks atmosphere, it's too sanitised and too close to the road. I would hate to think of the Tregeseal and Nine Maidens circles eventually becoming enclosed farmland.

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Posted by thesweetcheat
26th June 2011ce

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Re: Bloody cows (tjj)

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