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Re: What's acceptable when interacting with sites?
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Littlestone wrote:
I take your point about WKLB, though I would say that the roofed area over the main chambers has been reconstructed and that is where most people climb or sit to view Silbury and the surrounding landscape. Perhaps, as a compromise, access to the reconstructed area could be allowed while the rest of the barrow is cordoned off...

I know what you're saying LS, but a cordoned off area would look horrible. The less clutter the better!

But maybe the thing with the "show" sites that get lots of day trippers (some of whom might be inspired to get more interested and, dare I say, obsessed!) is to accept that a certain amount of wear and tear is inevitable. And fund the repairs/upkeep from the National Trust car park/cafe/shop, etc, rather than using that money to do up a stately home.

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Posted by thesweetcheat
23rd May 2011ce

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