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Re: What's acceptable when interacting with sites?
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scubi63 wrote:
As an FB user I totally agree with what you are saying especially when it comes to users tell all and sundry what they had for breakfast and other such loblox after all who really gives a monkey's?
And it is correct that FB is a place where people can brag about what they have done, where they have been and even show off their photo's or purchases.
But isn't TMA a similar place in that respect?
I suppose what I mean is that me or anybody else can add an image or blog on here that is basically saying Look what I have done or where I have been. They may include useful information such how to get to a site but are also just as likely to include such information as the local pub serving a great pint or superb banger and mash...the only difference is that the audience here is a captive one in that we are all (well maybe not all) into the same sort of thing and so maybe don't mind. Whereas FB is for everybody, young and (not so) old, and you just need to learn how to filter out the noise that you don't want to hear.

I just hope this place doesn't start including Stonewars or Bronze Age Ville as part of the options though!! (FB in-joke there)



Hi Scubi,

I think the difference between FB and TMA is that the members who post information are trying to do just that - to inform and help other like-minded people who may want to visit places they have been. It's a bit like the Rough Guides. I don't see the site in general as a place on which to brag. The Forum is another matter, as all sorts of subjects are discussed, and many arguments are had!

All the best,

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The Eternal
Posted by The Eternal
20th May 2011ce

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