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Re: What's acceptable when interacting with sites?
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moss wrote:
Actually I hardly go on FB, and agree with a lot of what has been said, just my need to argue black when I know the issue is white, a balancing up of fairness. ;)
As Goff says you get what you put in, and I don't put my breakfast in, but I am curious about the internet phenomena and how the technology has leapt forward by leaps and bounds. My son is 28, at about 12 he was playing little simple white ball games on the computer,and viruses just tumbled the letters off your screen. Now we live in a large social interacting world, where Avaaz can ask to put a signature on what ever cause you need, viruses can screw your computer dead they are so complicated; Wikileaks and Wikipedia - power to the people...Good thing or bad? ;).. its a technical world, everyone can take a half decent photo (and some of course much better than others).
Virtual communities exist on line, so maybe FB is another form of interaction not all of it bad....

Hi Moss,

Frightening how fast technology is moving. Todays necessity is tomorrows museum piece.


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The Eternal
Posted by The Eternal
20th May 2011ce

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