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Re: What's acceptable when interacting with sites?
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Rhiannon wrote:
Hmm it's not really snobbery, it's kind of paranoia and mistrust. I find the whole thing a bit of a weird idea. I don't tell my sister and my friend from down the road and my internet acquaintances and that person I met down the pub once and someone I worked with 10 years ago and somebody I went to school with, etc. the same sorts of things, but that's what facebook is, it's presenting the same face to everybody.

Maybe it's just me and I'm weird.

(maybe it IS just me and I AM weird... blimey.)

Ah what the hell.

Nah, Rhiannon,
I like to think that you, me and a few, and I mean a few, of my friends, are normal. The Face-ache people are the wierdos.
Why on earth do they think that anyone on this planet is interested in what they had to eat for breakfast, or what they chose to watch on telly? I think that a big minority of Facebook members are only intereted in banging on about themselves. They genuinely are so deluded as to think that the whole World wants to know about them.
That's why I'm not a member, because not one person on this planet who doesn't know me gives a toss about what I am doing, and that's a realistic fact. And I don't care. Who would?
The sad bastards.
Roll-on realism,
TE (:-D)

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The Eternal
Posted by The Eternal
19th May 2011ce

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