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Re: Analysis of zircon crystals
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There was a gadgee last year, who blew the whistle on the crop circle community by pointing out that they were all fake and that everyone conspired to delude the public, in the hope of extracting cash. He pointed out the signature of the stomping boards, in the flattened crop, that could be identified from the aerial photographs. This year, consequently, is completely different and it seems like the excitement has gone. I remember coming back from a stint in the country and the first thing I'd do after turning the computer on would be to check what had gone down in the Wiltshire fields in the previous five days. It may pick up this year, but somehow I doubt it. Farmers are really struggling with the weather this year too - at least I can look after my three square metres of winter wheat with a watering can. Many in the SE will go out of business, without intervention from Flashy et al.

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Posted by StoneGloves
16th May 2011ce

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Re: Analysis of zircon crystals (nigelswift)

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