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Stonehenge and its Environs
Re: Stonehenge apocolypse
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1speed wrote:
faerygirl wrote:
The day after tomorrow is equally as stupid

Been there, done that...

My friend has a special shelf in her DVD collection dedicated to Disastrous Disaster Movies. Most of these seem to involve...

a) an asteroid / unstable Earth's core / volcano / environmental change;
b) two scientists / a scientist and an environmentalist / a scientist and a politician who start off on opposing sides of the debate but end up agreeing / romantically entwined;
c) lots of running around / away;
d) lots of shouting / meaningful looks.

I reckon SA will sit nicely on this shelf, especially as my friend is also a massive SG-1 / SGA fan, and it's got pyramids in it. :-)

I saw a film called "The Core" once. I was on magic mushrooms at the time (back when they were legal) and found it most entertaining. However, once sober, its the worst film IN THE WORLD and was amazed that I had enjoyed it. All I could remember was that it all seemed very possible the first time round...

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Posted by faerygirl
18th February 2011ce

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