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Re: What no Stonehenge?
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Rockrich wrote:
Megalithics wrote:

As we mentioned in our other post tripods and monopods were banned. For many of the techniques we use, such as full spherical VR panorama, stereo photography, stereo photogrammetry, etc. a support is essential.

As for the 6 metre pole...........

I wouldnt say a tripod is an essential item for collecting photogrammetric imagery, especially those taken outside in all but the dullest lighting conditions. You can work round lighting by stopping up, ss 1/60th+ and increase the number of stereo pairs....well, thats how I break the rules anyway :)

What software are you using to render the surface models?

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Posted by Megalithics
14th February 2011ce

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Re: What no Stonehenge? (Rockrich)

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Re: What no Stonehenge? (Rockrich)

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